Cupboard Love

Cupboard Love (2022) : Audio clip

This composition explores the memories found in cupboards, draws and cabinets. Scraps of paper, photographs and mementos come to life through sonic snapshots of earlier times. Opening and closing cupboards offers an inviting gesture to enter new sonic worlds; a cliche of the acousmatic genre, but reimagined here as an everyday action that frames the appearance of sound memories. This open/close action reveals environments, places and spaces, showing brief sonic glimpses of my past years. A key influence guiding the work’s construction was the concept of the interruption. Exploring interruptions in all its forms and how these impact upon continuity was an important step for developing the work’s structure.

The Contemporary Computer Music Competition 2023 (CCMC2023)

Cupboard Love wins prize in Japan.

Announcement of CCMC2023 ACSM116 Prize

"The ACSM 116 Steering Committee has decided to award the ACSM 116 Prize 2023 to the work that received the highest score : Manuella Blackburn ”Cupboard Love”, after a review by 11 members of the Composer's Committee."

March, 2023

Track by Track :