Vista Points (fixed media): Audio clip
All materials used in Vista Points are derived from electric guitar sounds. Often the electric guitar sounds are left raw and then layered with processed materials. When these sounds interact, there are points of causality, conflict and turbulence. This work explores the effect of varying the distance between sonic events. When constructing the piece, contrasts between pressured and voluntary behaviours became a primary focus with the aim of achieving moments of activity and emptiness.
[traduction française: François Couture, i-12]
Vista Points was realized in 2009 at the Electroacoustic Music Studios of The University of Manchester (UK) and premiered on August 8, 2009 during the 4th Sound Art Workshop of the International Music Academy at the Orford Arts Centre (Orford, Québec). Thanks to Carlos Lopez for providing the electric guitar sounds. Vista Points was awarded a Prize at the 10th Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica Música Viva (Portugal, 2009).